The fee for Psychologists in Ajman varies from AED 100 - AED 600 depending upon experience of doctor and qualification.
The fee for Psychologists in Ajman varies from AED 100 - AED 600 depending upon experience of doctor and qualification.
No, there are no extra charges to book an appointment through DoctorUna.
Go to or download DoctorUna app where you can search for Psychologist or any other specialty around your area. To book an appointment on the same day, just choose current date from the Appointment Date filter and choose the time that suits you.
DoctorUna allows you to book appointments with Psychologist who accept your medical insurance. Just choose your medical insurance provider from the Insurance filter at the top of the page and book in less than a minute.
When you search for the best Psychologist through DoctorUna, you can filter your search, based on doctor’s sex, besides many other search filtration options.
DoctorUna helps you find Psychologist according to actual patients’ ratings and reviews. Each time a patient completes his/ her online booked visit, he/she are invited to review and rate their experience.
You can book appointment by calling at +971-568006811. You can also book online by choosing an available date and time slot on the profile of doctor. There are no extra charges for booking through DoctorUna.
Top 5 Experienced Psychologists in DoctorUna are:-
The fee for Psychologists in Ajman varies from AED 100 - AED 600 depending upon experience of doctor and qualification.
No, there are no extra charges to book an appointment through DoctorUna.
Top 5 Experienced Psychologists in DoctorUna are:-
Get instant access to over 63+ Indian Psychologist who are practicing in Ajman for booking an appointment through DoctorUna. Only certified and 100% verified Psychologist can assess our superior medical search engine platform.
Psychologist fees may vary from one clinic to the other. The fees also depend on factors like doctor expertise, years of experience and professional training. In the city of Ajman, the Psychologist fee range falls between AED 100 to AED 600.
Most Psychologist employ professional and courteous staff who provide info about the doctor's regular timing for securing an appointment. While the popular timing for a Psychologist visit in Ajman falls any-time between 8 am to 9 pm.
You can use DoctorUna, an interactive medical website, to find the best Psychologist near your area. Reputed Psychologist clinics offer high-quality and women-centric healthcare services.
Browse through our comprehensive list that includes the most-reviewed and best Psychologist in various hospitals in Ajman. DoctorUna can lead to top-class hospitals for Psychologist such as American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology - Abu Dhabi, American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology - Dubai, German Neuroscience Center, Dubai London Clinic & Specialty Hospital, American Hospital - Dubai amongst others.
ASD or autism spectrum disorder is a brain-related condition wherein a child finds it difficult to communicate and socially interact with others. An autistic child may also exhibit repetitive behavioral patterns and several other symptoms and challenges.
Are you feeling confused and not able to concentrate on important tasks? Is this a new condition? You can go in for a Neuropsychological evaluation to know better. During a Neuropsychological evaluation, a licensed psychologist or a reputed neuropsychologist conducts a series of brain tests to find a link between brain health and your thinking pattern plus behavior.
Health experts worldwide agree on the fact that good health signifies mental, physical, and social well-being without any disease or weakness. You can claim that mental health and physical health go hand in hand.
Is your child finding it hard to cope with school homework or other study challenges? He may be grappling with learning difficulties. It is an umbrella term for a child's disability to learn academics-related skills. Learning disorders can include facing difficulty in reading, writing, problem-solving, reasoning, and understanding mathematical concepts.
Psychologists are certified professionals trained to study the human mind and its behavior pattern. Psychological study helps support people suffering from mental illnesses. The Psychologists may specialize in varied sub-fields such as forensic psychology, sports psychology, or health psychology to name a few.
ASD or autism spectrum disorder is a complicated developmental mental condition that creates challenges that surface in the form of impaired speech, poor social interaction, non-verbal communication, and repetitive behavior. Autism symptoms differ from person to person.
Pediatric psychology is a study of child-related problems. It encompasses a variety of mental and physical factors that include psychosocial, developmental, and situational conditions leading to pediatric psychological issues.
Parents are accountable for their child's upbringing. They tend to their kid's needs daily. Parents teach their children life skills, social skills, and instill appropriate behavioral patterns in them. Sometimes, parents also need external support and childcare advice.
A psycho-educational assessment is a unique process that helps children understand and develop better cognitive abilities and academic skills. For conducting psycho-educational assessment testing, a certified psychologist in Dubai uses various tools to design the perspective of a child's Math skills.